Sunday 2 March 2014

Did Dinosaurs Live Alongside Humans?

The evidence that dinosaurs lived with man in recent history is staggering and overwhelming due to the countless artefacts, drawings, carvings, statues, mosaics and depictions throughout history of Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurus, Plesiosaur, Pterodactyl, Triceratops, T-rex and more. If man didn't live with these creatures, how did artists throughout ancient history and in cultures all over the world happen to re-create these beasts, thousands of years ago, to “coincidentally” look identical to what we see in the dinosaur books and museums today? Some may say “well, they must have seen dinosaur skeletons back then too”. Not so. Here's why.

Dinosaur skeletons aren't found just lying on the ground intact, so someone walking by can look down and see what the dinosaur looked like. The bones are separated, fragmented and embedded deep within the ground, mountains and rock with most of them missing. Occasionally, you might find a piece of a single bone sticking out of a rock here or there, but that's pretty much all we find today. Logic dictates that's all anyone in ancient history would ever have found as well. They would not have been able to create the image of the entire beast without the entire skeleton, yet the science of Palaeontology did not develop until the early 1800's. The process of digging out and excavating dinosaur bones from rock didn't begin until then. Consequently, the first complete skeleton of a dinosaur was not constructed until the 1800's.

You really need to ask yourself, if dinosaurs died out 65 million years before modern man “evolved”, and the first dinosaur skeleton was not excavated and constructed until the early 1800's, how did human artwork throughout history manage to depict several types of dinosaurs that look identical to the dinosaur depictions we see in the science books today? The answer is simple. They drew what they saw with their own eyes. You can get a lot more information in the "Top Ten Proofs Dinosaurs Lived with Man". The fact is that although we have been conditioned to believe dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago, science, history and logic actually shows dinosaurs lived with man.

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