Sunday 2 March 2014

Rodhocetus - The Evolutionary Forgery of The Walking Whale

A scientist attached a whale's tail to a four-legged animal to make a "walking whale ". This fossil was considered the best proof of evolution but has turned out to be a "mistake." Now this evidence for evolution has been overturned.

For years, scientists claimed that they had compelling fossil proof of evolution in Rodhocetus, a four-legged animal with a whale's tail. This "missing link" was considered by many evolution experts to be one of the best proofs of evolution. When biologist, physician and television producer Dr. Carl Werner went to check it out, he was in for a big surprise: There were no fossils of the tail of Rodhocetus. They were missing. When he questioned the scientist who had added the whale's tail, the scientist admitted this "best proof" did not have a whale's tail or flippers as he had suggested in museum diagrams.

This was just the first of many fossil improprieties that Dr. Werner found when he set out to evaluate evolution. Other problems included a scientist attaching a dinosaur tail to a bird to make a "flying dinosaur", and another other scientist covering up the fraud. One large metropolitan museum attached feathers to a dinosaur to make a "feathered dinosaur", even though feathers were not found. Another museum attached human hands to Lucy, even though the fossils were not human. There were other problems too: Evolution charts at museums suggested that evolution was true, but these diagrams lacked corroborating evidence.

Cover-ups, name changes, adding scales or feathers compelled Dr. Werner to ask the most basic question: Is evolution even true? He does not answer the question in the documentary "Evolution: The Grand Experiment", rather he presents the problems and allows the audience to decide [Source].

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