Sunday 2 March 2014

Velociraptors - Birds or Reptiles?

Today I Found Out everything I thought I knew about Velociraptors was a lie. Now to be fair, everything I “knew” about Velociraptors came from the Jurassic Park movies and so I shouldn’t really be surprised it was all wrong. So if, like me, you thought that Velociraptors were slightly bigger than a human; reptilian looking; hunted in packs; were found in what is now the United States; and were ridiculously intelligent. Well, literally none of that is true.

Velociraptors were actually only about the size of a domesticated Turkey, being only about 3 feet tall and 6 feet long, with most of the length coming from the tail and weighing in at around 20-30 pounds full grown. More than that, they also looked somewhat like a Turkey as well, but with a long tail obviously. It turns out, Velociraptors were very similar to birds in a lot of ways. They had hollow bones, feathers, built nests for their eggs, and are thought to have behaved very similar to birds.

Only about a dozen Velociraptor fossils have been found to date.

As Mark Norell, curator of fossil reptiles, amphibians, and birds at the American Museum of Natural History, stated:
The more that we learn about these animals, the more we find that there is basically no difference between birds and . . . Velociraptors. Both have wishbones; brooded their nests; possess hollow bones; and were covered in feathers. If animals like Velociraptors were alive today, our first impression would be that they were just very unusual looking birds.

More than that, there has never been one bit of evidence that suggested that Velociraptors hunted in packs. In fact, every fossil found of Velociraptors has seemed to indicate they were solitary creatures. There was even one fossil where the Velociraptor was engaged in a battle against a Protoceratops, which was a pig-sized dinosaur. A sandstorm came up and buried them both while they were battling. If they hunted in packs, there should have been more Velociraptors at that find, particularly given the size of the Protoceratops relative to the Velociraptor.

Above: Deinonychus. Mainstream scientists and religious evolutionist authorities would have us believe that these creatures were reptiles, when they were most likely birds. The above picture is an imaginary depiction of this animal, making it resemble a reptile, with imaginary green-coloured scales.

Next up, the Velociraptors were not found in the United States, as the films suggested: where the palaeontologists in the film dug up the Velociraptor skeleton in Montana. In fact, they have only been found in Central Asia around Mongolia.

It has long been suspected that Velociraptors had feathers, but the evidence proving this has only come very recently. That evidence came from a discovery in September of 2007 of a forelimb fossil of a Velociraptor that had quill knobs, similar to those found on birds. Furthermore, Velociraptors were also probably warm-blooded.  They are thought to have had about the same metabolism as the Kiwi, which is similar in anatomy, feather type, bone structure, and nasal passages; the latter of which is usually a good indicator of metabolism in animals.  Also, cold blooded animals (i.e. reptiles) typically won’t pursue prey; they prefer to lie in wait until the prey comes to them. [Source].

Why can't evolutionists simply admit that Velociraptors were in fact birds all along, instead of portraying them as reptilian species, in order to support the reptilian deception of birds and mammals evolving from reptiles? Perhaps birds' ancestors were always birds, and our ancestors were always mammals.

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